Thursday, May 24, 2012

More Death by Old Cashew Nut!

Vagina: Don't let crazy right wingers mess with women and girls

Anthrax: My nice fan mail from Ann Thrax! White powder that taste like mushrooms. How sweet!

Cheetos are messing up your life! GMO's, bad oils, too much salt. Tell Frito-Lay to give us something better!

Toxic killer robot bugs from outer space

Pug dogs to avoid, barking, eating their raw meat, scratching, clawing me with their razor sharp claws

Secret spy pug dog CIA Asset. (could be also working for MI6)

Makes loads of money! Earn real money from twigs, I'll show you how!

How my brother, Garibaldi, got a live steam burn in his pecker!

Happy black pug female at the groomer

A short tour of my huge art collection. Includes: paintings, mosaics, castles, toys, huge sculpture, and more.

Famous castle and dollhouse collection. Museum quality, investment grade art. By artist: Farrell Hamann, California's leading emerging artist and sculptor. 

A public service message: Trump Hotels burn your toast and The Donald's hair looks like ass

Boycott Dixie Cup!
I won't buy a subway sandwich at Subway because they use the Koch brother's Dixie Cups

A Rat Burger from the Golden Arches

Celtic Cross

Artist/Writer Farrell Hamann wearing Bitey the Cat hard hat. Giant, glowing sphere sculpture in background

Purging sin from Devil Cat

Church of the Blue Moon/Moonbeams on your Naked Booty

 This may help if you just must watch Fox News or listen to idiot Rush Limbaugh
Anti Diarrhea caplets

Secret photo of Justin Bieber. From his new album, "I'm a Twink"

Sneaky Harvard men feed these pink marshmallow twists to Yale boys because it totally destroys what little natural sex drive the Yale boys have. Ask George W. Bush who "blew out his candle" Hahahawasilla!  Formulated in a back room at MIT.  Al Gore was smart and wouldn't eat one.
Sneaky Harvard muži krmit tyto růžové marshmallow zvraty na Yale chlapců, protože úplně zničí to málo, co přirozené sexuální touha Yale kluci. Zeptejte se George W. Bush, který "vyfoukl jeho svíčka" Hahahawasilla! Formulována v zadní místnosti na MIT. Sneaky Harvard Männer füttern diese rosa Marshmallow Wendungen Yale-Jungs, weil sie völlig zerstört, was wenig natürlichen Sexualtrieb der Yale-Jungs haben. Fragen Sie George W. Bush, die "blies die Kerze" Hahahawasilla! Formuliert in einem Hinterzimmer am MIT. Al Gore war klug und wollte nicht essen ein.Al Gore byl chytrý a nechtěl jíst jeden.
 Трусливый Гарварда кормить этих розовый зефир повороты в Йельский мальчиков, потому что полностью разрушает то, что мало естественного полового влечения Йельского мальчиков. Спросите Джорджа Буша, который «задул свечу" Hahahawasilla! Сформулированные в задней комнате в Массачусетском технологическом институте. Альберт Гор был умен и не ел один.
それは完全にエール男の子が持っているなけなしの自然なセックスドライブ破棄されるので卑劣なハーバード大学の男性がイェール大学の男の子に、これらのピンクのマシュマロツイストを養う Hahahawasilla"彼のろうそくを吹き消した"誰がジョージ·W·ブッシュに聞こう! MITの奥の部屋に策定しました。アル·ゴアは、スマートだったものを食べませんでした。

Want to get into an Ivy League school? Harvard or Columbia perhaps? I can help!

 Death by Old Cashew Nut. These Cashews are over 2 years old. All disclaimers ever written apply. Смерть старого ореха кешью!

ZZYZX, California 

 I think Donald Trump uses this shit in his hair (which looks like ass)

California Bird Dude. (spy bird for the CIA, KGB, and MI6

 now open! Call: 916-641-7696

Above: Photograph of Rush Limbaugh's actual penis (dick) Sad, is it not?

Mr. No good for nothing

 Yes, Donald Trump's hair does look like ass
Волосы Дональда Трампа выглядит задница
 Donald Trump Haar sieht aus wie Arsch
 Les cheveux de Donald Trump ressemble cul
 I capelli Donald Trump sembra ass
 Breathnaíonn gruaige Donald Trump ar nós asal
 El cabello de Donald Trump se ve como el culo

Rush Limbaugh comes to mind as Mr. No Good for Nothing. What does he do besides lie, talk crap and ride around in his assmobile Mabach cars? See, worthless excess of flesh and slime. Definitely no good, a horse's ass on his best day. Everything about Limbaughzbub shouts: ASSHOLE!!
Another creepy asshole?: that would be: Serr8d 

Now open by appointment. Drive right up, bring kids and dogs. Phone: 916-651-7696
Worth the trip from San Francisco, Marin County, Granite Bay, Tahoe

 After listening to Rush Limbaugh you may be tempted to reach for an anti-Diarrhea tablet. Might help but  don't count on it.
 Nach dem Abhören Limbaugh stürzen Sie könnten versucht sein, für eine Tablette gegen Durchfall zu erreichen. Könnte helfen, aber nicht darauf verlassen.

 Obama's Birth Certificate for idiots like Donald Trump

Covert CIA Asset, Bo Dogley, Director: Intelligence Command Kontrol (Dick)

Mitt Romney's stupid truck was in my neighborhood trying to run over dogs and small kids!

Who is stupider Trump or John McCain. WHO? It's driving me crazy!! Maybe I'm all washed up and it's Governor Rick Perry of Texas or that "Terror Baby" MOFO. Ack! 

 Above: Rush Limbaugh Stew: What the maggot eats at home...

I know: "Potatoes" 

A link to click. Check out the "De" Investment angels right here!: 


  Spudnuts Donuts in California (note: they keep the really special ones in the back. To get some of the good Spudnut donuts, you have to have the secret password which is: "There are one million toe biters in the creek" You tell em that at the counter and a whole new world of delicious donuts will open up to you. (Made with potato flour!)

  Spudnuts Donuts in Kalifornien. (HINWEIS: Sie halten die wirklich Besonderen, in den Rücken, um einige der guten Spudnut Donuts zu bekommen, müssen Sie das geheime Passwort, das ist haben müssen: "Es gibt eine Million Zeh Beißer in den Bach" Sie sagen, em dass an der Theke und eine ganz neue Welt von leckeren Krapfen öffnet sich bis zu Ihnen. (Made mit Kartoffelmehl!)

 Spudnuts Donuts в Калифорнии (примечание:. Они держат очень специальных, в спину, чтобы получить некоторые хорошие Spudnut пончики, вы должны иметь секретный пароль, который звучит так: "Есть один млн. т н.э. biters в ручье" Вы говорите ет , что на прилавке и целый новый мир вкусные пончики откроет для вас. (Сделано с картофельной муки!)

 Spudnuts Donuts Kaliforniassa (huom: ne pitävät todella erityistä pienimmille takana. Saada joitakin hyviä Spudnut donitsit, sinulla on oltava salainen salasana joka on: "On miljoona öljyekvivalenttitonnia biters vuonna puron" Kerro em että tiskillä, ja kokonaan uusi maailma herkullisia munkkeja avautuvat sinulleSpudnuts Donuts v Kalifornii (poznámka:. Vedou k opravdu zvláštní trhy v zadní Chcete-li získat některé dobré Spudnut koblihy, musíte mít tajné heslo, které zní: "Existuje jeden milion špičky biters v potoce" Řekněte jim, , že u přepážky a zcela nového světa vynikající koblihy se otevře jen na vás. (vyrobeno s bramborovou mouku!). (Valmistettu perunajauhoja!)

Death by Old Cashew Nut (it may not kill you but you may wish your were dead)
Смерть старого ореха кешью (она не может убить вас, но вы, возможно, пожелают ваши были мертвы)
 La mort par Noix de Cajou Vieux (il peut ne pas vous tuer mais vous pouvez vous étaient morts)
Der Tod von Alt Cashew Nut (es kann dich nicht töten, sondern möchten Sie vielleicht Ihr tot waren)腰果死亡它可能不杀你,但可能希望死了
 La muerte por Antiguo Cayú (que no puede matar, pero es posible que desee a su muerto)
 Dood door Oud Cashew Nut (dit kan je niet doden, maar u kunt wensen je dood waren)
 ওল্ড হিজলি বাদাম দ্বারা মৃত্যু (এটি আপনি কিন্তু মারা না আপনি আপনার মারা ইচ্ছুক পারে)
 मौत पुराने काजू (यह आप को नहीं मार लेकिन आप अपने मृत थे इच्छा हो सकती है हो सकता है)
 טויט דורך ישן קאַשו נאַט (עס זאל ניט טייטן איר אָבער איר זאל ווינטשן אייער זענען טויט)
 Kematian oleh Jambu Lama Nut (ia tidak boleh membunuh anda tetapi anda mungkin ingin anda telah mati)